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Tuesday, 26 May 2009




面白いお酒を飲んだ。OldRosieという飲み物だった。とても強かった。公園で飲んで、リラックスした。BBCの「RobinHood」という番組を見た。楽しかった! 一番目のエピソードはひどかったと思ったので、新しいものは、上質のエピソードで驚いた・・・





今日もいい天気のようだから・・・  またね! xx

thanks to noramaru and hideyoshi for corrections again

Wednesday, 20 May 2009







so yeah, been a bit strange, sitting here, feeling like i was back in secondary school, fallen for someone. heady days, im glad ive gained some llife experience, it was a rather undesired and scary feeling to get again. I can hardly even the last time i felt like this. haha

anyway, itll probs be gone by 2moz so,

till after my exam.. or mebs 2moz night, taaaara!

thanks to noramaru for corrections

Friday, 15 May 2009


じゃ、昨日、銀行はオーバードラフト(当座貸越)はいけないと言った。びっくりした。それで、試験を受けなければならない・・・大丈夫だったけど、友達がいないと、日は2倍ほうが悪くなるかも・・・  電話して、相談して、試験は一番大切な問題だと決めた。試験はまあまあだった。次のは月曜日にあるので、今はリラックスできる。たぶん・・・

夏中に、新しい単語を習う必要があるから・・・どうやってこれをできるか?  2年生のとき、1週間で4日に、14マイルを自転車で乗りたいだけど・・・楽だと思っているか?

もうすぐハリー・ポッターだね。ちょっとドキドキしている。5番目のはすばらしかったから、次は絶対に1番いいハリーポッターの映画になるはずだ。でも、まだ、タランティノをディレクターになるほうがいいと思う。IngloriousBastrdsはかっこよさそうだね。一番見なければならない映画は: The Watchmen, Star Trek。

so aye, a stressful couple of days indeed. in fact, i have no real insights other than those above other than that escape from red giant (an amazing flash game) has epitomised my 3rd term. Oh yeah, ともだちのニコラさんは韓国ヘお兄さんに会いに行く。とても羨ましい。

i guess its strange but i wamt to be able to write a nice, coherent yet lovable blog like my friends anne`s.... one day ill learn the skill, for one i think its about timing.... and preparation, which i must admit i lack... haha... London is a busy place! anyway mebs after exams ill have a beautiful blog... i wonder if i shud inform my teachers of my blog... im sure they would help out....

Apparently specialization is the key. Maybe Ill make it a blog on "todays issues". ill have to get informed then though.

Reading a book about a parrot meatshop.... but is it parrot meat or a meat shop of parrot... not sure that quite worked out tbh... but im sure u know wat i mean....

so yeah, when i finish my exams, get my comic done, which i keep forgetting about, and get home and acquire a job... ill write a good blog... hopefully. Maybe ill start writing a story tonite... its been a while since i did... id rather do it in japanese... probs slightly difficult tho. both i reckon.

hmmm so i guess i shud revise soon, ive a lot of kanji to learn... tara peeps x

thanks to ikuyo for corrections

Thursday, 14 May 2009

ghandi! нιтler! lιnda мccarтney! voмιт! l'l'l'l' ι aιnт eмo aм new rave хd pιraтιng ιѕ ĸιllegal###

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


i know wat im lookin for now, i worked it out. vital. i need an absolute truth, which cant be argued. Since it cant happen, as far as im aware, i presume an empty feeing will pervade my spirit. ah well. in other news;

A: ah i shall just blow myself up with this bomb in this empty field as i am feeling rather melancholy.

B: look at tht man with a bomb!

A: oh no, i kinda wanted to go on my own terms and now it looks like it may well be on the terms of others as they are holding massive weapons and have fired bullets and ouch. thankfully ive installed a nail bomb to go off inside of me after 10mins which i have deonated just intime before my final breath.

B: medics, go check if hes ok... yes you journalists may also go and take photos...

screaming etc.


夏、ロンドンに住みたくない・・・  ここの友達は辛うじてわからない。


