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Thursday, 26 March 2009



でも、復習がたくさんある・・・・ 単語や漢字は毎日練習しなければならない。  経済と数学も。  しかし、試験は5月に始まるから、長い時間があっても、不安だ。遂にバイオ5をした。まあまあだと思う。そうと思っても、午前4時までした。



新しい本を買った。「Lady Macbeth of Mtsenk」だ。小説家はニコライ・レスコブ。短くても、いい本だ。とても美しい女の人の恋愛についてだ。美しい女だけど、悪くなっていく。面白い終わりだ。川上弘美の「神様」も呼んだ。難しかったけど、楽しかった。一ページ毎に新しい言葉を知った。次は、乙一の「むかし夕日の公園で」だ。いい練習だと思う。

今、復習に戻らなければならない。  またね =D

many thanks to Ikuyo and jwl at lang-8 for corrections again =)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The Man

Life goes on.
There was a stout man, aged 43. He had a name, but you would rather not know it. This man had a family, and he was loved. His wife, also unnamed, would tell him how much she loved him every day, and he tell her the same. They both told their children that they loved them too. Touching.
Its not as though they had done anything wrong, at least not seriously wrong. That's not the point. Or maybe it is. I don't know! sheeeesh.
A fly landed next to the youngest child who accidently put their hand on it and crushed it. Not too evil most people might think.
The next day the house collapsed and everything in it was destroyed, inexplicably. Luckily the family was out at the time, at the farm. An ellipsis could have followed the word farm but you'd rather it didn't.
When the family arrived back home they noticed something was wrong. The wife got angry and went to live with her sister. The children went and stayed at their friend's house. The man sat on his home and cried.
One hundred years later, there were no ruins of the man or his family. However, there was still Rock and Roll.
The meaning of the story: 'Rock and Roll lives on!' or 'life sucks' or 'Rock and Roll sucks' or 'life lives on'. Only the last one doesnt work though...

Written age 16/17 enjoy my ex-depression guys



syawla deen peek distance make it peak



thanks to mio again for corrections

Monday, 23 March 2009




明日は、図書館へ行って、ジムへ行くつもりだ。本を読みながら、復習をしたいけど・・・できるかどうか・・・わからない。いつも、本を読み始めると、何もできないなあ。 =/



ねむいね・・・  元気でね!


Sunday, 22 March 2009


I just turned off the Brotherman and his Edison Alliteration. Sitting, looking about, only mess exists. The sun outside spreading only the dark, leftover reflected tentaclebeams into my room. Sunday, term over, readyness for a week ahead an attempt to revise, an uncaring hand and will to over correct spelling forms to ever more standard rules but to remove any pronunciation rules. IPA has irritated me on Wikipedia. There is no ultimate in pronuncation. It shifts. A shadow.

Then why, I think to myself. Standing and walking over to my small sink in the corner I sniff. Ah fresh human smell. Organic. Quickly this is covered by the smell of chemical as I prepare. What for, I wonder. Then I step out and lock the door. Moving quickly I notice an unknown. The corridor isnt long, i worry not. i cant afford to stop tho, not enough, never. why, where, i kno how, think. thinkthinkthink. a window smashes, perhaps only a bottle, a light, something silly.

outside now, look about, moonlight. i mustve taken the long way. the floors aged, steps crumble as i walk upon them. Stop. Calm again. Head east. I begin to walk and a deep thunder rolls. I want to step upwards and stairs appear. Working hard I climb to above the clouds. There are no planes today. In fact, where were the people? I realise I radiate. Radiating, pulsing, perhaps a glow. A glowworm. But human. Life? Pulse? Oh.

Actually, its not been quite so strange. Awake, shower, lunch, work. Slip.

今日、母の日だ。Eカードを送った。チャンさんにメールを送らなければならない。面白い事がないから、ブログを書きにくい。   春休み! 田舎へ帰る! 復習が多すぎて困るのはいやだから、友達に会いたい・・・・

またね・・・・・・・次回!  たぶん今晩・・・  絶対に今晩書く・・・

チャールズさんの部屋へゲームをしに行く!  後少し!

thanks for corrections mio and - narumi on lang-8

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Mentaz weekend

未来になるから、日記を書きたくないと思っていた。  ロンドン大学SOASで日本語を勉強している。 しかし、まだ1年生だから、日本語を書かないことがある。それで、時々英語で書かなければならない。




So yeah, the weekends been a bit mental like. I quite like the idea of a blog, although i hve gon and written most of it in Japanese... so aye, gettin into my new schedule and all that, been rather fun of course, far too busy with work nowadays though sadly. even writing this has taken time from my busy-ness. ah well anyway, having exhausted myself on trivialities i shall round this with a bang, quote of the weekend "I dont like prostitutes".

日本人の友達が欲しいね・・・・・・・・・・・・ =(


kindly corrected by my friends at Amelia and Ikuyo